Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Adventures of a Mage in Skyrim - Part 12

The Butcher

Nightly pondering outside of Windhelm

Back in the Candlehearth Hall I was shocked to hear that Susanna was dead. The folks told me that she was murdered by a stranger just moments ago – and to make it worse: this murder wasn't the first! Several young women were already killed by “the butcher”, as they call the murderer, in the very same fashion. Everyone in the city I met was shocked. Most of course the young women, who were all afraid they might be next. I went to the scene of the crime and talked with the guard what they were going to do about this series of murders. The guard was just as clueless as I was. He actually seemed pretty embarrassed they weren't able to stop the butcher yet. But he explained me that the war with the imperials drained their numbers heavily, so they just didn't had the men to investigate. What a sad confession of inability.
I offered the guard my help in investigating the murders. Even though I had absolutely no idea what to do to find the butcher, I thought my help could at least do no harm.
I did ask the spectators which had gathered around the body if anyone has seen something. A guy called Calixto, who runs a little museum, said he saw a stranger running away. A beggar who was around too didn't see anything – how frustrating: I bet she must have been in earshot when it happened. If she were just a little bit closer, she might have seen all – or even alarm the guards to prevent the murder.
It started to snow and I aimlessly wandered through the city, looking suspiciously at everyone passing by. One of them could have been the butcher. Yet he was in total safety in his anonymity. How could I catch him if he just could have walked past me without me even knowing!
I wondered if the priest who was preparing Susanna's body for her burial has observed anything which could help. So I went to the Hall of Dead to talk with her. She was in the middle of her preparations already and told me she discovered very unusual wounds on the dead. It seems they were made with and old nordic enbalming tool – something she didn't expect anyone in the city to own or even know about.
Deep in thought I left the hall. When I returned to the place where they found Susanna, the guard pointed me at the traces of blood leading away. As if something was dragged from there. I followed the traces – I had the impression they were leading through half of the city! - until I came to an abandoned manor called Hjerim where they ended.
My next move was to head over to the Palace of Kings and ask steward Jorleif for access there. The key to the murders must be inside these walls.

Jorleif told me that the house in question is owned by Tova Shatter-Shield and is empty since her daughter was murdered. I found Tova at the marketplace. She was still devastated by the loss or her daughter, but I could convince her investigating Hjerim could solve the mystery.
I admit how surprised I was about myself finding me in the role of an investigator and when I entered the manor I was ready to kill the murderer on sight. It was empty though, expect a bit of furniture from its previous owner. When inspecting a closet though I noticed something special: its back wall could be moved to the side and suddenly I stood in blood and gore. Before me was a stone table soaked in blood, with body parts laying all over the place. How sick I felt seeing this horror! I barely didn't dared to inspect the scene, but in hindsight I'm glad I did. I found the butcher's journal and a kind of amulet between its pages. I don't want to get into details here, but it seemed that the murderer was attempting to perform a necromancy ritual in order to bring his sister back to life. It wasn't signed though, so I could only guess who might be that.
Shock and full of disgust I packed the book away and cleansed it with as many fireballs I could cast before I was exhausted. Its a wonder that not the whole building caught fire. Then I headed outside. I just needed some fresh air now.
Soon after I left Hjerim I ran into Viola Giordano who I showed the journal, hoping she would know anyone who might be able to perform such ritual. She immediately pointed me at Wuuferth.
I decided to go and question him about the murders on my own, despite her telling me that I should talk to the Steward first. I needed some kind of proof at least.

On the look-out for the butcher.

Against my concerns Wuufherth didn't start to send zombies after me or tried to shock me to death. To the contrary: he was appalled but my findings just as I was. I also showed him the amulet which he identified as a necromancer's talisman. Since necromancy was involved, he told me, he could determine when the next murder was due to happen. It was tonight!
Part of me was wondering if he just sent me on a false track as I snug myself into a dark corner in the Stone Quarter and waited for the nightfall.

Sneaking through the Stone-Quarter

A long time nothing at all did happen. Guards were passing by, the occasional local, but no-one was even getting close to Hjerim. After waiting a few hours I started to wonder if I'm really at the right place. I left my hideout to warm up my stiff muscles, stretched myself and began to walk around towards the marketplace. Suddenly I heard the scream of a woman and then saw that guy Calixto running away from her. I followed him and hit him with an ice-spike in order to slow him down. He eventually turned around and tried to attack me with his dagger but I nailed him to the ground with my ice-magic. It was over – the butcher was dead. I found the key to his house in his pockets, went there and indeed uncovered another part of his journal. That was my proof.
The next morning I headed to Jorleif and explained him the case.

After this was solved I stayed in Windhelm a little longer, but I felt I needed to see something new. At least I needed to get my thoughts away from these gruesome murders. I bought a magic amulet which was both very useful but also very expensive, so I had a good excuse to get out into the wild again and collect some herbs and perhaps discover a few caves too.
I left the city to the south into the warmer and geologically active south of the Eastmarch. I was wandering between sulphur ponds and overgrown rocks before the search for creep clusters lead me to a mammoth cadaver covered with spider webs laying before the entrance of a cave. I think even without my fresh experience as crime investigator I would been able to guess that frost spiders lived there.
I entered carefully, ready to burn everything which dared to move. The fireballs turned out to be very effective against these critters. I detonated them right between them and the blast threw them in all directions like eight-legged torches.
Just the mother-spider – as I called her – proved to be a more difficult challenge, but I was able to defeat her too eventually. I was almost outside again, as I spotted a button next to a stone-panel. I examined it and after I convinced myself that no rocks would fall on my head when triggering it, I pushed the button. The stone panel slid aside and revealed a secret chamber. A campfire was burning there and at a raised platform I could also spot a small house – what a strange sight: a house inside a cave. Before I finished wondering though, a group of vampires attacked me. I gained distance and defeated them with my fire magic. Now I was even more careful. I send a number of Fireballs into the house, to poke the rest of the vampires to show themselves. A house simply was too large for just two of them. The blast of their explosions echoed from the cave's walls like thunder and indeed: two more vampires, partially burning, ran outside the house. I hit them with more precise shots and could take them out.
The inside of the house was like a reflection of the butcher's hideout. Blood and bones everywhere! I picked up some useful items and set the rest of the place on fire.

Outside again I set path back home. I got a good number of items together and collected enough ingredients to keep me going for a while and pay my training sessions at the college.
When reaching the White River though I found a remote shack on the shore, with the remnants of its former inhabitant. Again it wasn't hard to guess who its murderer was: it was still there. A massive cave-bear leaped towards me and gave me quite the tough fight! I have to say I like my bears roasted from a nice distance. These close-range fights are just nasty.
The rest of my journey back to Windhelm was rather uneventful and I was really happy to back in its safe walls again, even though they were cold and dark and oppressive. How much a near-death-experiences can change your perception!

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