Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Start Of The New Worlds

Out of the ten sleeper ships only 6 managed to leave the planet each heading to various places. One landed on the planet Hara, A tropical world covered in lush green forests. A single continent stretches unbroken around the planet's equator, separating the northern and southern oceans. This continent is teeming with life, as are the oceans. However the colony did not last and it's fate is a mystery.
 Another made it to the planet Pahy, this mostly consisted of prisoners partly political partly not. The planet is immensely hot and inhospitable being close to the sun and comprising mostly of rock and lava.
 One made it to the planet Broine a large rocky planet with high gravity and a thin atmosphere. The atmosphere only extends about 1 mile above sea level, and many mountain tops are exposed to the vacuum of space. Native flora and fauna live in the deep valleys between mountain ranges. Many of these valleys are isolated, causing an interesting amount of biodiversity.
 Yet another to BlÅ« a moon of a gas giant near the edge of the system, deeply cold with a habitable band around the equator, it is full of rare minerals and metals. The colonists mostly comprised of rich nobles.
 One mostly filled with abducted people missed the intended target and ended up at Banua, a terrestrial planet with an unusually large axial tilt causing extreme seasonal changes. The planet has a very thin atmosphere but underground caves do have enough to sustain human life-forms. 
The final ship was not ready and had few people in cyrosleep on launch, but it did have a large number of engineers and scientists who got trapped on board when the ship launched, the ship is now located on the far edge of the system.

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