Sunday, December 28, 2014

A New Setting

This is the start of a new setting I am building. I will be adding more and more to the setting as I go.

Long ago on the planet Matra, a vast empire existed that spread from one side of the planet to the other. The empire existed on firm rule claiming land by force and assigning governors to each area. The Empire continued in a stable form like this for quite some time, but tensions slowly started developing between the governors, while unable to declare war against each other they still began preparing in secret developing advanced weapons and conducting espionage. However while this cold war was brewing another group started to appear, The Akata a group of anarchists who deemed a unified Empire was weakening everyone and the governors where useless and needed to be removed. In order to shake up the Empire into something more desirable they formulated a plan to use the Internet to spread their message and to cause unrest in one of the regions with small rebel strikes, they then hacked into the Imperial network and use it to fake the launch of nuclear missiles against the insurgents, meaning that during the chaos they could rise up in key locations and take over with little resistance as everyone was distracted by coming nuclear winter and to point out how low the empire had become. The first part of the plan worked just fine, even managing to lock the Empire out of the nuclear launch procedure removing the threat of strikes when it had been realised the crisis was faked. However it turns out most of the Governors had assigned automated safeguards, with the broadcast of a fake missile launch several missiles where launched automatically in retaliation from some of the more aggressive safeguards, this trigged more as real launches where detected and with everyone locked out the network, it used all it could to destroy and counter it's self. Most of the civilization was wiped away leaving a few pockets of survivors desperately fighting each other and the blasted landscape. It would take many centuries to get back to the same level of technology and society that had taken days to be destroyed. Yet during all this a secret project had been awoken, several sleeper colony ships had been developed in secret, full of cryogenically preserved people. Each one had a destination within the solar system and most occupied with willingly picked participants, but some where being used to remove prisoners from the population or less willing people chosen for important tasks and basic labour later on. With the launch of the first nukes a few launched, the ones set up in case of this very situation in the hopes some would survive on other planets. Within a few days they had all launched regardless of situation, now the starts of new colonies had been thrown into space. Now millennia on the various colonies have made contact and trade has started, each unique and brimming with life.

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