Friday, December 12, 2014

The Adventures of a Mage in Skyrim - Part 8

Bleak Falls Barrow

Passing the Watchtower.

I followed the road back to Riverwood, then took the path up the mountains and followed it until I came to its snowy top. In the distance I spotted a pretty derelict watchtower and as I came closer two bandits guarding it. I took them out pretty easily with my fire-bolts and continued my journey.
Rolof showed me Bleak Falls Barrow the day we esecaped from Helgen. It was a pretty large and scary looking ruin complex looking down at us while we were on the road to Riverwood. My first impression proved to be quite right. It was also a pretty large and scary looking place when standing right before it. Massive stone stairs were leading up a platform, surrounded by massive arches and pillars pointing high in the sky.
Just before I did set a foot on the first step I realized I wasn't alone. Arrows were darting left and right and I rushed to take cover.
My opponents weren't too hard to defeat actually, just being outnumbered and not seeing where the arrows came from they did shoot at me made it all a bit pesky but eventually I gained safely access to the ruin.
There were two more bandits in the wide entrance hall, then I headed down a corridor leading deeper into the ruins. I did pretty well and progressed nicely until I ran into an opponent who seemed have some kind of protection against my spells. Or was just more resistant than the others. Anyway. My spells didnt do him much harm, contrary to his sword which almost broke through my protection spell. I realized quickly that I don't stand a chance against him, turned away and ran off before it could become really nasty.

Bleak Falls Barrow.

Outside again I collapsed into the snow, thanking the heavens that he didn't follow me outside. Weary and hurt I made my way down the mountain again. With empty hands, but at least alive.
After I recovered I began to stroll along the White River, harvesting herbs and the occasional mudcrab, while I did scold myself for not being able to overcome that bandit. I hated to disappoint the Jarl and Farengar after they put so much trust into me with giving me this obviously pretty important task they won't give any random adventurer who happens to stumble into the Jarls throne room looking for fame.
Actually I wasn't looking for fame at all. Well, perhaps for adventure. And a bit wealth won't hurt too. But mostly I wanted and still want to get better. I want to learn and be a good mage. And this means to be competent enough to fight off some bandits if I have to. And obviously I wasn't.

So the mudcrabs had to suffer. They are perhaps not the best target for training magic at, but at least I felt a bit better after roasting some of them.

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