Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Adventures of a Mage in Skyrim - Part 5


A look at the map told me that the next larger city in the area is the stronghold of the Stormcloak rebellion, Windhelm. It seemed to me being a pretty interesting destination, where I could learn more about the whole stormcloak-thing, perhaps even see their leader Ulfric again - after all we were at the same carriage bound to our executions! Also I wanted to make some coin with selling the potions I mixed.

The way from Winterhold to Windhelm was more or less uneventful, apart from the cold and wild beasts trying to kill me. Nothing new really! I tried to get access to one of these mysterious dwarven ruins (unsuccessful), had a stay at the Nightingale Inn (successful: earned myself a bed with playing the lute) and found a remote sawmill west of Windhelm.

Windhelm at night - at least the sky is colourful.

The city itself is already well visible from afar: A imposing block of massive and almost black stones. The whole place looks less like a capital but a giant, storm-battered ancient fortress. Not very welcoming really.
Inside the welcome wasn't too cheerful either. First thing I saw (apart from huge, crumbled stairs leading up from the entrance gate) was a group of locals taunting and ranting against the Dark Elves living in the city.
Wondering if that situation was typical for the city I went to the marketplace, talked with the locals and did trade a bit. People seem indeed mixed. Some did openly show pure hate against quite everything that isn't nord, others were more moderate and just want to live their lifes. Hermir, a woman working at the local forge, seemed to be quite enthusiastic to work so close to Ulfric. A life between being beheaded by his foes and enthusiastically adored by his follower: Quite a polarizing person!
I made a pretty decent sum from selling some of the things I found at Saarthal. I really felt life started to to turn to the better for me and making a living as mage was the way to go for me.
When visiting the local alchemist, a frail looking, old High Elf, he told me a story about a “White Phial” which magically replenish every fluid you put inside it. He said he also discovered already its most likely location, but his assistant wont let him go there. I guess he was right to do so since the old man looked far to weak to search for it by himself.
I offered to search for the phial for him, which he accepted. You should have seen the relief in his assistant's face when I left the shop instead of his proprietor!
The sun began to set slowly and I started looking for some accomodation. The Candlehearth Hall looked pretty welcoming when having a look inside I met a interesting you woman there called Susanna. We had a pretty pleasant, but rather short chat (she had to serve the guests) where she pointed me at the “New Gnisis Cornerclub” instead of taking a room here. Quite ironic, isn't it? Seems she doesn't shares the prejudices many Nord have about the Dark Elves. Bolt and impressive girl!
So I went there after a short stop at the local Dunmer pawnbroker, Revyn Sadri, who discretely asked me to return a stolen ring he found in his stock back to its legal owner Viola Giordano. I initially refused but what can I say? He did asked me to bring it back, not to steal it. So I agreed to break in her house and plant the ring where she can find it.
After playing some tunes for a bed at the Cornerclub I practised some magic and eventually dozed off to sleep.

The next morning saw me heading to the Palace of Kings where Ulfric resides. I was still pretty much put off from the sheer aggression towards the Dark Elves I saw the day before, but curiosity simply dragged me there. Being to Windhelm without visiting the Palace of Kings – no way! Also every Jarl who has at least a bit of self-respect does have a court wizard. So perhaps I could learn something new there.
The palace itself doesn't betrays its significance from outside. Its just as bleak and battered as the rest of the city, inside the throne-room however is as imposing as its suiting for a king.
Ulfric was busy as I entered. I overheard a conversation about the ongoing war. It seems that no side took the initiative yet.
Discretely I slipped through a door leading to the palace's chambers where I expected to find the wizard somewhere. Following narrow and barely lit corridors I felt like descending into a dungeon rather than making my way through the center of one of Skyrim's greatest powers.
Eventually a golden glow from the end of a corridor caught my attraction. It was the gloriously lit enchanting altar of Wuunferth the Unliving, as its owner introduced himself. And he was indeed a sinister person: a gaunt seemingly stone-old face, half covered with a untended grey beard. He greeted me reluctantly. It must have been quite obvious to him that I was a very, very green mage compared to him.
I did some trading with him, along some smalltalk. He didn't seemed to have a particularly high opinion on Ulfric. According to Wuunferth they both tolerated each other but also stayed out of each others way.

After this quite remarkable encounter I decided to do Nurelion his favour and went out of the city towards the west, where I expected to find the mysterious cave the White Phial was hidden.
The entrance of the cave looked totally unremarkable. No surprise the place laid untouched for so long time. Carefully I made my way through the icy burrows until I found stone stairs leading me to the destination of search.
Since Saarthal I got already a pretty good impression of what would await me in a nordic tomb and I proudly tell you that I handled myself pretty well. I watched every step I made, expecting traps around every corner and at every spot the light of the torches can't reach. In the recent time I developed quite the affinity for fire spells and they did serve me very well. The Draugrs were dangerous of course, especially in groups, but with my wits, a flame atronarch and firebolt magic I was able to deal with them.
As I reached the center chamber I found the casket of of the White Phial's creator, Curalmil put to eternal rest below a mysterious wall, which looked just like the one I did discover in Saarthal. And again I felt the strange tingle, I forgot about the Phial and headed up the stairs to the word-wall. But before my mind did turn totally to the writing waiting for me, the casket cracked open and Curalmil raised from the dead, attacking me. I dodged his attacks, hasted down the stairs and wrapped him in fire with all power my mind could mobilize. I burned his desiccated corpse till he collapsed before my feet.
Just when I came to my senses again after reading the magic word. I discovered a passage leading out. There must be the Phial! I thought and followed it into a room with a stony basin. I hesitated a few moments, then took out the mixture Nurelion gave me and poured it into the basin. Immediately another passage opened for me, granting access to the sought-after Phial.
My glorious return to Windhelm however wasn't at all as I did expect it. The Phial was cracked! I didn't even notice this in my excitement but indeed: it was clearly damaged. Nurelion was devastated, but at least ensured me that it couldn't been me. With my limited powers I couldn't even have scratched it. Nevertheless my reward wasn't too generous. The old Elf sent me away with five septims. I made more with selling the items I found in the ruins, so the adventure wasn't a total failure at least.
Next I went to Viola Giordano's house, to bring the stolen ring back in her possession. I saw her walking around the marketplace before, so it seemed to be the perfect moment for a discrete return consignment. Her house was in the Stone-Quarter, where the more affluent citizens of the city live. Since it was around midday and everyone was busy with doing their errands, the quarter was nicely empty. To my dissatisfaction I found the lock to her house pretty difficult to open. I broke quite a number of picks till I found the sweet spot and the door clicked open. I slipped in, planted the ring in a drawer and slipped out again in just a few seconds. Moments later I casually strolled down the streets, to tell Revyn the good news. I was feeling pretty satisfied and was enjoying myself and the surprisingly sunny day – how unusual for Windhelm!

I realized I made – despite the unsatisfying search for the White Phial – a good amount of money lately. Especially the alchemy really paid off. Being quite affluent – at least for my modest standards – I found I have earned myself a change in climate. The College of Winterhold was a great place – no doubt, but I wanted to see some more sunlight before returning there. So my next destination became the city of Riften, way down in the south of Skyrim.

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