Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Adventures of a Mage in Skyrim - Part 2


The first view of Whiterun

The walk to Whiterun gave me quite some time to think about the recent events. There I was: free again, just escaped from death and with the vague idea that I couldn't go on living as I was living before. It was time to make use of my talents and to stop wasting them. I began to pick the flowers and collect the mushrooms I found on the roadside, tasting and analysing them to learn their properties: I wanted to learn alchemy.
As the road lead me up through the mountains I got attacked by a pack of wolves. Again I wasn't wearing a weapon. Not even a single piece of armour to protect me, nor a shield to bash with. Instead I relied on my fire spell again and burned them to death.
It might sound like a trivial thing for me to have killed several legion soldiers and wild beasts, but believe me. It wasn't. It was not easy for me at all, but a necessity. I wouldn't be able to tell you about my adventures now if I hadn't defended myself.
You have to know that I don't start a fight unless it is inevitable and I don't wish death to anyone. But I want to get out of things alive and if I have to make use of my magic powers for this, so it has to be.

Before the Jarl

When arriving Whiterun I got already a nice collection of herbs and mushrooms together. Even some of these strange, glowing Nirnroots which grow at the shores of the White River, where Whiterun has got its name from. I could barely wait to experiment with them, but my first way lead me up to Baalgruf's palace towering over the city.
I never was at a place like this and the sheer size of the throne room made me silencing my steps and quietly walk towards the Jarl. I barely made it past the steps as his bodyguard, a fierce-looking dark elven woman approached me with her blade drawn. Blocking the way. Eventually I was allowed to approach the Jarl because of the news I had about Helgen.
I somehow must have impressed the Jarl because just as I finished my report he took me to his court mage who asked me to find an ancient artifact for him. The so-called dragonstone. A runestone with the locations of all dragon tombs known. He told me I could find it somewhere in the ruin of Bleak Falls Barrow. I didn't felt quite ready for such a task, but accepted anyway.
I also bought a few spells from him, even if I was not sure if I would be actually able to cast them.
As a thank-you for my efforts in warning him of the dragon he also gave me a steel armor. I'm sure he found such piece very fitting for me. He must have taken me for an adventurer.

After my stay at the Jarl's Palace I decided to turn the things I had no use for into gold (byebye armour!) and then having a try in making some potions. The local alchemist, Arcadia, was very nice and allowed me to use her alchemy-lab. The mixing went pretty nice as I didn't blow myself up and I made my first potions, which were actually good enough to sell them to her!
It was already evening when I left the alchemy shop. So I went for a bed to the local Inn. The owner gladly accepted my offer to play to the guests for a stay overnight. I am pretty skilled in playing instruments and singing (one of the talents I brought from my former life) and after a few songs crowd and propriertress were pleased and I did fall into bed like a stone.

The next day was lovely warm and sunny. I think the weather there is usually rather mild for Skyrim. While strolling through the city and linking up with people, I wondered how it would be to settle roots there one day - once I have the resources and made myself a name as mage. It became to me more and more clear that this is the path I want to go: I wanted to become a mage. I asked around a bit and learned eventually about the Mages College in Winterhold, far in the north-east of Skyrim. I knew instantly this is the place I had to visit.
I also did chat with a friendly girl of about my age with the name Ysolda. She wanted to establish herself as merchant in the city and in order to impress the Kajiit traders, who roam through the land, she told me she needed a mammoth tusk. That's a pretty unusual gift if you ask me, but I agreed to get her one. After all she offered me to show me some haggling tricks in exchange. Something I could really use to get a foot on the ground financially.
I also learned about an ongoing conflict inside the city. Two clans, the Greymanes and the Battlebornes are at a feud with each other. One side, the Greymanes are supporting Ulfric, the other clan did side with the Empire. You could almost forget there was a war going on outside when you are in that beautiful and peaceful city. But soon enough it seems, something just has to remind you of the ongoing chaos and violence throughout the land.

The rest of the day I spent with wandering around the walled city, looking for herbs to collect and deer to try my newly learned spells at: Because one of the spells was a pretty powerful firebolt.
It went pretty nicely until I came to a recess in the rocks just west of Whiterun. Suddenly bandits did swarm towards me and shooting with arrows! I didn't expect to find an opportunity to test my newly learned combat skills so soon (especially since they weren't really worth to mention at all), but I had to defend my very life. So I started running and dodging their attacks while keeping on sending firebolt after firebolt at them. Luckily I had already a good stock of potions which helped me restoring my magical powers which would have been exhausted pretty quickly otherwise.
I knew if I made it to the city guards I would have been safe but I was pretty far away from the gate still and the landscape was rough, making running in a straight path impossible.
I was very lucky indeed that day. Somehow I managed it to take them down one after the other. My running away caused them to spread so thin that they couldn't give each other assistance. I think that saved my life that day.

Upon returning to their hideout I served myself on their supplies before returning to the safety of the city of Whiterun. I knew the next day would see me leaving for the Mages College in Winterhold. So I had to be well rested and my stock of potions restored.

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